Saturday, April 07, 2007

so, maybe i did fall off the face of the earth...

the truth of the matter is work has consumed my time, and i just lack motivation to blog. not blogging isnt a sign that i've forgotten about my friends back in bham. Its a sign that i've become more acquainted with friends on my job and having an actual "life" in california. Last week I visited Orlando Florida for a national conference for student affairs professionals. There are usually two national conferences to choose from, sponsored by our two main organizations for student affairs. But every 10 years they join together and offer one massive joint meeting (nearly 10K). Al Gore was our opening keynote speaker (he spoke for well over an hour..ugh) but had some great information to share. If you haven't seen his movie, check it out. But his presentation had nothing to do with our conference, other than the fact that our field is generally liberal and supportive of these types of issues. I personally think he should have paid our organization to speak, since he only used his time to push his personal agenda....haha.

anyway, i finally settled in my apartment (ie. put up curtains and put away clothes that were still in boxes). To celebrate, I invited co-workers and friends over for a St Patty's Day party. My kitchen counter top now looks like a fully stocked bar..haha I started hanging out with 20-something folks at church (we have a weekly pub night at stanford area bars and pubs) and even sang with the music team a couple times during service. Grace is a great church. I just wish i didnt have weekend commitments sometimes. I attend church less frenquently than I would like to sometimes, and I actually haven't become an official member yet. But, the people there have grown on me. Ultimately, I would like to find a job at a school in the city (San Fran) or move back east to Boston or New York. The Silicon Valley is still too suburban for me. But my job is a good place for me to be right now. We'll see what happens in the next year or so.

I've had my share of emotional up-and-downs, feeling lonely because of my singleness and moving to a new place. but honestly, the bay area is too beautiful for me to be depressed all the time. I am blessed to have a good job and to be living in a beautiful place. Who cares if I'll never be married...haha (ok, thats at least what i tell myself sometimes). Plus, I found a dance studio to learn more salsa moves. I couldn't make the times during March, but I hope to start classes again this month. I also found two places (one in Santa Cruz (by the beach) and one in San Fran) to get away and dance to live band music. Cant wait for Cinco de Mayo :)

My family is doing ok. My nephew Jaylon will be 6 next friday. (whoa time flies!) My mom gave us a scare with her heart. She avoided seeing the doctor about having problems breathing and her month long "cold". Finally she went in to have some tests run. She's now taking some daily medication, and there's not a lot of blockage. So, she should be ok. But you can pray for her. It was quite a scare for me.

So, thats an update for promises on when I will blog again...haha